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Before you go… Take advantage of my ONE-TIME SPECIAL OFFER:
Ready to lower whole body inflammation, clear your skin and reset your gut in just 3 steps!?
Get My 3 Step Gut Reset Masterclass for Just $7.99 Regularly $49
Healing a leaky and inflamed gut needs to be addressed at the ROOT CAUSE or you will be unsuccessful at reversing your health issues long term and will keep getting recurring flares/symptoms. I walk you step by step through the correct process to support and heal your gut naturally and effectively!
You can’t lower whole body inflammation and fix the gut without repairing/regulating the immune system, the most important system to keep pathogens and inflammation/histamine low in the body. You also can’t have optimal gut health without having optimal detoxification. I give you the basics so you can take your healing to the next level!
Understanding how the Vagal Nerve & Parasympathetic NS affect our gut
Our vagal nerve and PSNS are the systems that keep out gut functioning optimally and correctly. When these system are dysregulated, our entire digestive system is negatively impacted and our liver, kidneys, immune system and mental health suffer as a result!